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About Pet Sensor

Pet Sensor was developed to provide more unique, personalized methods for training dogs and setting limits in smaller places inside the home (apartments, condos, etc.). Founded by an animal lover and dog owner, the company and product were created to offer a streamlined, easier method for both pets as well as owners to live together happily and comfortably.

A Benefit / Feature

For You & Your Pet

It’s no secret that installing things like dog gates and other physical barriers throughout the household can become a nuisance, especially with particularly temperamental pets. In part, the development of Pet Sensor was an effort to overcome such obstacles, enabling pet owners to live their life and remove the physical household barriers commonly used for training pets.

Additionally, for those particularly sensitive to dogs, or that are not “dog-lovers,” Pet Sensor offers simple solutions to keep your four-legged friend at a distance when necessary.

Your Own Hands-Free Training Tool

In the strictest sense, Pet Sensor serves as a hands-free dog training tool and works wonderfully in tandem with training classes. It not only provides pet owners with a greater understanding of their pet’s needs but also helps pets understand the relationship between the Pet Sensor collar and its owner. With the right training and time, pets will come to learn that even if you are not there, the collar is still there, and they need to behave accordingly.

Discovering Innovative Technologies

Four-legged friends come in different shapes and sizes, with a wide range of personalities and sensibilities. Often, what might work for some may not be the right solution for others, which is why our product is based on our direct experience as pet owners. For example, some dog owners place electrostatic mats throughout their homes that provide a minor shock, enabling them to train their pets not to enter certain areas. However, larger dogs can simply run and jump right over them; canines are smart and will always find ways around such obstacles.

One of the primary goals at Pet Sensor is to give pet owners a way to correct their pets without needing to be in the same room or the home altogether. This meant creating an electronic dog collar designed to deliver corrective methods and boundaries without the need for constant human intervention. This was our jumping-off point: developing a safe, pet-friendly tool to connect with your dog and set barriers it will understand no matter who’s in the house, or where you, or they, are.

By employing Bluetooth technology, Pet Sensor has found the perfect solution for establishing clear communication and boundaries in smaller spaces. Keeping your dog off the bed or couch or training them to sleep downstairs at night is now easier than ever with the Pet Sensor System Device (PSSD).